(Hizmet boyutu )
40 dakika
Hizmet boyutu 4 (2 - 8)
Peel the onion and the garlic.
Grate the onion into a bowl. Crush the garlic and also add to the bowl.
Add the salt, pepper, cumin, egg, minced meat and chopped parsley.
Put a clean plate onto the bench ready for the finished köfte.
With clean hands, use one hand to mix the meat and other ingredients that are in the bowl together.
Now add about half of the breadcrumbs and keep mixing and kneading it all together. Keep adding breadcrumbs until it doesn't feel juicy anymore. The amount of breadcrumbs needed will vary according to the size of the onion and egg used but you shouldn't need more than the recipe states.
Pick up the ball of meat and throw it back into the bowl 6 - 10 times.
Break off pieces approximately the size of a large plum. Shape into balls then sausages. Then flatten the sausage to form a flat oval 1cm thick.
Put it onto the plate and continue until all of the meat is finished. There should be about 4 köfte per serving.
Heat a pan to medium and place the köfte into the pan. Don't move them as initially they will stick, as they cook they will unstick.
Keep the heat on medium as the köfte need to cook through.
Turn them over when one side is brown. Brown the other side, place on a plate and serve.
Alternatively, grill over hot coals.
Add some oil to the pan first if you are using very lean meat.
This is tastiest when done with a mixture of 1/3 lamb mince and 2/3 beef mince which has some of the lamb fat left in.