(Serves )
120 mins
Serves 16 (8 - 32)
Mix together the eggs and water, add the flour and salt and knead very well.
If the dough is not kneaded enough it will fall apart while cooking.
Rest the dough for 15 minutes.
Finely chop the parsley, break up the cheese and mix together.
Melt the butter in a small pot until it starts to foam. Set aside.
Half fill a very large pot with hot water, bring to the boil and add a handful of salt. Prepare another large container with cold water.
Divide the dough into 10 and, using plenty of flour, start rolling out to a 40cm wide circle. This is quıie difficult for a beginner so I use a pasta maker to roll the dough.
Use 50 g of the butter to grease a circular 35cm dish or a large rectangular dish if you have long strips from using a pasta maker.
Place the first piece of rolled out dough in the dish without cooking.
You will have to crumple it up to fit it into the dish. Drizzle over a little butter.
Roll out the second piece of dough and cook in the water for 1 minute.
Remove with a slotted spoon and immediately place into the cold water. When it is cold squeeze out the excess water and place onto a clean tea towel then place into the dish.
Drizzle over a little butter.
Repeat the process with all the dough pieces, spreading the cheese mıxture over the 4th and 7th pieces. Or just in the middle layer if making a half recipe.
Don’t cook the 10th piece and place on top. Drizzle over the remaining butter.
Bake for 1 hour at 160.
This is the traditional method of making Su Börek, I cheat a little by making only half the recipe and use a pasta machine to roll the dough, I then cook it in a lasagne dish.