(Serves )
75 mins
Serves 4 (2 - 8)
Mix together the cornflour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and add enough hot water, along with the oil, to form a thick porridge consistency.
Finely chop the onions and spring onions and add to the bowl along with the parsley and mint.
Chop the anchovies and add.
Mix well. (hand mixing is the best method, keeping one hand clean).
Place a piece of baking paper onto an oven tray and drizzle over some olive oil.
Put the mixture on the tray and press to cover, the mixture will be approximately 1cm thick.
Drizzle over a little more oil and gently spread it over the top to create a smoothe surface.
Place in a pre-heated oven at 200C for around 45 minutes until the top and edges are browned.
Serve with salad.
Can be served hot or cold.
Note; it is important to rinse the anchovies at least twice before using or the concentrated pockets of salt you will get when eating will be unpleasant.